* Required

Application for NJAIS Accreditation

A school wishing to undertake accreditation through NJAIS should complete this form, after preliminary planning meetings have been conducted by the school.

Please note that only NJAIS member schools qualify for accreditation through the association. To apply for membership, please complete the NJAIS Membership Application.

Please contact Lisa Campisi, Director of Accreditation, at 201.654.6541 or lcampisi@njais.org with any questions. Thank you.

To review the complete accreditation process, please download a copy of the NJAIS Self-Study Guide.

Name of Person Completing this Form:

Head of School, Name and Contact Details (if different from person completing this form):

School Information:


What are your suggested dates for the Accreditation Visiting Team (The Visiting Team will spend 3.5 days at your school)

Please double check that these dates correspond with your selection of Sunday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Friday. Thank you.​
Please double check that these dates correspond with your selection of Sunday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Friday. Thank you.​

Is this to be a cooperative accreditation with another accrediting agency?

School’s Request Regarding Areas of Emphasis in the Self-Study and Visiting Team’s Expertise

Review the checklist below of possible Self-Study areas. Please rate each area in terms of its need for Visiting Team member attention. This will help the NJAIS staff organize a team of experienced educators to attend to areas that the school considers important. Use the following ratings:

1 = High Priority
2 = Important
3 = Needs to be covered
4 = Low Priority
5 = Not covered in the Self-Study

Where departmental organization is followed (Lower School, Middle School, Upper School), please indicate the number of teachers in each department.

Instructional Areas:

Student Services:

Elementary Areas:


Would you like a Diversity Practitioner to serve on the Visiting Team?​
Any other areas of special concern?​

School's Indication of Local and Competing Schools:

Unless the school instructs NJAIS to the contrary, NJAIS will not select members of the Visiting Team from the immediate area in which the school is located.

Please provide an email address where we can send a link to your current form.

Email Address :