By The Numbers
Number of Schools
Number of Students
Number of NJAIS Teachers
Percentage of Students Awarded Financial Aid
Students of Color as Percentage of Total Enrollment
Independent schools are rooted in the idea of choice. They offer families a range of educational options: coeducation or single sex; religious affiliation or nonsectarian; preschool, elementary, or secondary; day or boarding; and each has a distinct educational mission and philosophy.
For all their variety in approaches, NJAIS member schools have certain characteristics in common. Each is governed by a Board of Trustees and is a nonprofit corporation. NJAIS schools are independent in governance and finance, and each fosters a culture of learning in every area of school life -- in classrooms and laboratories, on playing fields, stages, in concerts and in music practice rooms, and art studios.
NJAIS is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, International Council Advancing Independent School Accreditation (ICAISA), ISAnet, NBOA, CSEE and The Council for American Private Education (CAPE). NJAIS is also a member of the Nonpublic Schools Advisory Council, which works with the Department of Nonpublic School Services within the NJ Department of Education.